State Data Centre

State Date Centre(SDC) is envisioned as the ‘Shared, reliable and secure infrastructure services center for hosting and managing the e-Governance Applications of State and its constituent departments’. SDC is envisaged to establish a robust infrastructure to enable the Government to deliver the services quickly and effectively to its stakeholders. The State Data Center, connected to the State Wide Area Network (SWAN), provides the access to the e-Governance applications & Services to Government employees through Intranet and to the citizens through public Internet.

OCAC has setup a state of the art State Data Center at Bhubaneswar with  24X7 support, to meet the growing needs of digital Odisha initiatives. SDC was operational since 15th Oct 2011. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha, Sj. Naveen Pattnaik inaugurated SDC on 3rd Nov 2011. This State Data Centre provides services to various e-Governance initiatives undertaken by Government of Odisha.

OCAC has designed and implemented private Government of Odisha cloud “GoO  cloud” infrastructure  using Cloud computing technologies like VMware with NSX in Odisha State Data Centre. This infrastructure is designed for rapid & on-demand provisioning of compute, networks, storage and services to user departments with appropriate SOP.

SDC provides tier II standard infrastructure for hosting departmental applications in:-

  1. Shared Hosting Mode
  2. Infrastructure as a service
  3. Platform as a service
  4. Storage as a service
  5. Back-up as a service
  6. DR as a service
  7. Co-location Hosting Mode
  8. DR as a service

Current Status of Odisha State Data Centre

  1. SDC certified with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 20000:2011 certification.
  2. 92 e-Gov applications of 24 departments are hosted and live from SDC.
  3. SDC is enriched with redundant 1 Gbps NKN and 50 Mbps BSNL link.
  4. DR site of SDC is operational from NDC, Shastri Park, New Delhi.
  5. As per IT Act, SDC notified as  Critical IT Infrastructure of the State.

      For more information about SDC, Odisha, Please call-us at 0674-2567395.