iPv6 implementation in Odisha

IPv6 is the next generation protocol for Internet networking. IPv6 expands on the current Internet Protocol standard known as IPv4. Compared to IPv4, IPv6 offers better addressing, security and other features to support large networks.

The existing IPv4 protocol has a 32 bit address space that provides approx. 4 billion hosts however IPv6 uses a 128-bit address, allowing 2128, or approximately 3.4×1038 addresses, or more than 7.9×1028 times as many as IPv4, which uses 32-bit addresses. IPv6 Supports billions of hosts and provide better security (authentication & privacy) it also processes data packets faster than IPv4 and reduce size of routing tables.

Currently used internet protocol (IPv4) has almost run out of addresses for which there will be difficulties in providing new internet services. In order to overcome the problem, Government of India is putting efforts to migrate from IPv4 to next generation internet protocol IPv6 that will also address cyber security concerns.

Since Department of Information Technology (DIT), Government of Odisha is playing a pivotal role in growth and expansion of citizen centric services in the state of Odisha, migration of all websites and networks to IPv6 will help the content and application provisioning smoothly.

IPv4 Network: - Department of IT, Government of Odisha has identified 3 (Three) no. of critical IPv4 IT Infrastructure of the state to implement IPv6.

These are as follows: -

  1. Odisha State Data Center (OSDC)
  2. Odisha State Wide Area Network (OSWAN)
  3. Odisha Secretariat Network (SEC-LAN).

M/s Ernst & Young has been selected as a consultant to carry out the project and its activity has been divided are as follows i.e.

  1. iPv6 migration, assessment and Gap Analysis
  2. Network Planning and design
  3. Selection of implementing Agency(IA)
  4. Project Management

Activity a ,b & c have been completed. M/s Prinlink Computer and Communications Ltd has been selected as Implementing Agency for the above job  and Contarct agreement has been signed with the firm.